November's Goals

Where has the year gone?! Man, oh man 2016 is already such a blur. I feel like just last week we were turning the calendar onto August and yet here we are already into NOVEMBER! What?!
I digress.
In hopes of holding myself more accountable these days, I'm bringing back my monthly goals. So here goes. NOVEMBER GOALS:

  1. Weekly Ride. For a girl who used to live on her bike, accepting the fact that I don't ride nearly as often these days has been rough (counting the months until the bean can join my on my rides!). Luckily, I have an awesome husband who has demanded I take the time to actually ride. Not just a squeezed in occasion, but rather a standing weekly date with my bike.
  2. BLOG! I found out I was pregnant right as I launched this blog, and that put the brakes on it for quite a while. More on all of that later, but I'm up and running (or rather riding ;) ) again, so we are back in action!
  3. Test 3 New Recipes in the Test Kitchen. Fresh Fork Winter Share starts this week! Woot Woot!

I feel like I had a lot more in terms of goals running through my head, but it's probably better that I can't really remember them off the top of my head. I should start small. Well, there you have it. Here's to a grateful November!