And so it begins...

January is such  refreshing time of year, in my opinion. A time to hit the "rest" button and redefine who I am, who I want to be, and where I want to go. It was only fitting that this would be the time for me to officially launch "She Rides Her Bike".

When I first began thinking about this blog, I had a much different vision than the shape I think this blog will ultimately take. I think that's pretty standard though. You start with one idea and before your know it, after hours of brainstorming you realize that what you are working on is something completely different than what you started with. It evolved before I ever really got started, and I think the fact that it did take such a drastic turn made me even more excited to actually execute this little project. 

My original intention with this blog was to create somewhat of a "Women's Guide to the Bicycle". How-to's, guides, tips, advice, favorite gear reviews, etc. In many ways, it will still be that. However, on the other hand, I see this being a bit of a personal journal of  my journey through life with my bicycles. Yes, I own many.

The turning point was the realization that so much of my history - and future - revolve around the bicycle. It's how I met my husband, it's how we support our lifestyle, it's how I burn off steam, and how I balance all of the roles of adulthood. As much as it's my escape, it's also what keeps me grounded and what keeps me always turning back around and heading home. 

Let me introduce myself. I'm Brittany. Wife. Dog Mum. Cat Mum. Cyclist. Yogi. Photographer. (wannabe) Gardener. I am a dreamer, a wanderer, a homebody. I love to cook, drink straight bourbon, and am a complete introvert. Welcome to She Rides Her Bike!