Half Way Recap on January's Goals

Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, already! A glorious day to honor and a "half way" point for the first month of the new year. 

As I've decided to do monthly goals in lieu of full New Year's resolutions, I thought I'd do half way  recaps to check in and see where I stand thus far. I mean, I'm only halfway through month one, so there is still plenty of time get back on track (if needed), as well as give myself an "atta girl" for the things I've stuck to. Win win!

Here goes...

  • Yoga 3 times a week - I am proud to say I HAVE maintained this thus far, and boy is my body thanking me for it. I have been practicing yoga for 9 years now, with definite waves of being super proactive and then very sad dull points. All the same, as soon as I bounce back in, my body takes to it so naturally, and for that I am very grateful. In addition to upping my yoga game, I've also been exploring a new studio! More on that later ;)

  • Spinning 2-3 times a week - I must admit, I was doing GREAT, and then I got stuck at shoot an hour and half later than I anticipated, missed a class and from there it was a downward spiral. Again, I still have time to get back on track, so as of Thursday, I'm back in the game!

  • Meal Planning - I'm a total nerd when it comes to meal planning. I actually look forward to doing it. So much so, that I planned the entire month in one go!

  • Spending FastEEEKKKKK. This one has been a little rough. While I have been doing great with things such as, not eating out, not grabbing a coffee, etc., I HAVE made a few purchases that were beyond the bare essentials (rent, groceries, bills, etc.). HOWEVER, I only bought things that I really did need. I also went out for coffee with friends twice. Both of those were scheduled back in December, and sometimes you just need to chat with your friends, and how better than with a cup of joe? Enough excuses now, back on track!

  • Deciding On Colors for the Bedroom - Nailed it!

  • Read: The Girl on the Train. Again, nailed it! I'll discuss the at a later date, but I read it in no time at all and am now on to book number two for the year, A Fall of Marigolds.

So there's my half way recap. How are you doing on your New Year's Resolutions thus far?!?